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Regular maintenance

Your Islabike will give many years, even decades, of happy use. However, like all mechanical products, it requires routine maintenance and maybe replacement parts.

As a mechanical product, a bicycle requires routine maintenance to function optimally and safely. We recommend you have an annual service done by a professional bicycle mechanic to ensure your Islabike continues to perform as it should. In between times, there are a few tasks and checks to carry out:


Apply a cycle chain lubricant or light multipurpose oil sparingly along the length of the chain. Wipe of any surplus with a cloth. Perform after washing/rain and periodically in between, depending on frequency of use.

Rear derailleur

Apply a drop of light oil on each pivot and in centre of small “jocky wheels” after washing/rain.


Perform regular checks on the operation of the brakes as children are not good at reporting deficiencies. Whilst standing alongside the bike on a grippy surface apply both brakes as you try to push the bike forward. Do they hold the bike stationary, as they should? Do the levers contact the handlebars (they shouldn’t)? Check the brake blocks for alignment and wear. The blocks should hit the rim squarely and not touch the tyre or overhang the rim. The blocks are marked with wear lines and should be replaced before they wear to this point. If you have any doubt about the function of the brakes, get them checked by a professional cycle mechanic – these are a safety critical part.



Gears should be checked periodically for correct operation. Modern derailleur gears need expert adjustment – if you are not a competent cycle mechanic this job is best left to your local bike shop. In addition, they should be checked if the bike has fallen on to its right-hand side, also known as the drive side. If you suspect this perform the following check:

The gears should be shifted so that the chain is on the biggest sprocket (gear 1) and the derailleur should be inspected from behind the bike to check it does not foul the spokes. If it does, or is very close, or appears twisted in any way then the rear hanger needs straightening or replacing. You can purchase spare rear hangers from us and your local professional cycle mechanic will fit it for you.

Tyre pressure

Check your tyre pressures regularly with a pressure gauge (most ‘track pumps’ have one fitted). You should not exceed the maximum tyre pressure printed on the sidewall of the tyre and it is best if the chosen pressure is not less than 50% of the maximum. See our guide to inflating your tyres here